Lumi Business – Accept payments, offer loyalty, and reach new customers


Lumi Business- an all-in-one suite of tools that helps businesses process payments, manage customers, and analyze data.

I was tasked with carrying out extensive research and competitive analysis, designing the product from scratch using a customized design system, and supporting the implementation and eventual routine updates as required. In the maintenance phase, the design team expanded and I was also tasked with managing and establishing a design culture for the team.

Lumi Business Background


The process began with comprehending the problem and identifying the primary objective of the product. Subsequently, we conducted a team brainstorming session, generated and explored numerous hypotheses identified the most effective solutions, created a structure, developed prototypes, and subjected them to usability testing. The most effective solutions for the current product can be found below.

Surveys & Interviews

For this project, we decided to use surveys and interviews to support the competitive analysis carried out. This decision was not farfetched as surveys and interviews are an easy way to get a large volume of information about a group within a limited time. The main target group of this was business owners.



This is basically a structure for the product. Its visual elements, navigation, functionality, and general interaction are built based on the information architecture.


Using the IA above, I came up with these designs and interactions.


Onboarding was made very simple with only basic business information collected initially. This was to prevent overwhelming the user and then allow them to provide more details after exploring the product and its features.


Easily generate reports on customers and manage or reward them easily!

Receive & Process payments

Easily process and synchronize payments from Android POS to web application.


Manage outlets, stock, and sales with a full-on inventory management feature with added features like automated reminders for low stock, and email notifications for sales included.

More Screens

Impact & Next Steps

In less than a year of launch, as of when this was written (April 2023), Lumi Business has over 109,280 customers, with over $5,370,569.25 processed

As expected, there is a never-ending exploration of new ways to improve the existing product and provide even more value to users and there are lots of exciting updates planned.

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